2 Year Q&A July 9, 2021Shaefer SantosThis week Shaef celebrated the official second anniversary of Hey Friends! In honor of this milestone, Shaef is answering some of her most frequently asked questions! 1.) I always get...
Hey Friends University June 27, 2021Shaefer SantosLately, the number one question I’ve been getting asked is all about my college decision and plans after high school. At the moment, I can confidently tell you that I...
Why I Named My Clothing Line "Hey Friends" April 27, 2021Shaefer SantosWhy I named my clothing line Hey Friends This is a question that I get almost every day in my Instagram DMs and is one of the first things I...
Meet The Designer April 9, 2021Shaefer SantosHey Friend! My name is Shaefer Santos, but you call me Shaef! I am the creator, owner, designer, and well pretty much everything here at Hey Friends! It is safe...
Hey Friends Featured on The Drew Barrymore Show March 22, 2021Shaefer Santos"I really love your products and I think they are so beautiful and uplifting" - Drew Barrymore on Hey Friends Can we take a moment to acknowledge that Drew Barrymore...
How I Accidentally Started a Profitable Business at 16 December 18, 2020Shaefer SantosHow I Accidentally Started A Profitable Business At 16 Trust me, I know how that title sounds and I didn't expect it either. I quickly wanted to retell my business...